Nova Southeastern University
Oceanographic Center and Law School
Southeastern University and its NSU
Oceanographic Center and the NSU
Shepard Broad Law School bring expertise in a number of key areas
to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Focus areas include:
- Marine Biology and Ecology
- Marine Food Web Dynamics
- Benthic habitat mapping
- Coral reef ecosystems science
- Fish and Fisheries Science and Conservation
- Marine Spatial Planning and GIS capacity
- Satellite imagery assessment
- Sea Turtles Effects
- Legal and NEPA policy, water quality
- Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA) for determination
of compensation due to ecosystem injury
- Economic impacts
- Impact and Effects research of oil and dispersed
oil on coral reef, seagrass, and mangrove ecosystems
- Law, Torts, and Environmental Enforcement
NSU has ongoing monitoring programs of ecosystem
health and dynamics, water quality, and current dynamics in southeast
and south Florida. These sites are applicable to respond to spill
impact analysis and longer term effects of the spill on marine organisms.
Additional sites can be easily added.
A variety of small research vessels, diving expertise,
and oceanographic observing equipment be brought to bear.
The following components of NSU would be involved: