Title |
Institution |
Principal Investigator |
RAPID: Oil Spill Transport Modeling in Shelf, Estuary, and Intracoastal Regions 1045151 |
The Ohio State University / University of Central Florida |
Ethan Kubatko / Scott C. Hagen |
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Genetic Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Release 1048208 |
University of Miami |
Crawford, Douglas |
RAPID: Evaluation of the near term impact of the Deepwater Horizon blowout to the South Florida coast
1048697 |
University of Miami |
Paris, Claire |
RAPID: Sub-Mesoscale Dynamics of Buoyant Plumes
1044704 |
University of Miami |
Ozgokmen, Tamay |
RAPID: Application of ISIIS to a multi-instrumented experiment on lateral mixing and dispersion on the inner shelf 1035047 |
University of Miami |
Cowen, Robert |
RAPID: Plant Species Effects on Rapid Stabilization of Nitrogen in Soil Organic Matter of Mangrove Ecosystems at Risk from the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill 1059236 |
University of South Florida |
Lewis, David |
RAPID: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Instrumentation Development for Hyperspectral Characterization of Natural and Anthropogenic Organic Compounds in Seawater 1062222 |
University of South Florida |
Coble, Paula |
RAPID: Water-based, Natural Polymer Surfactants: Implications for Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Dispersions
1057897 |
University of South Florida |
Alcantar, Norma |
RAPID: Assessing the impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the West Florida Shelf and Slope 1049586 |
University of South Florida |
Flower, Benjamin |
RAPID: Adaptive, Mobile Robotic Sampler Platform for In-Water Capture and Return of Oil Spill Chemical, Microbial and Particulate Matter 1050534 |
University of South Florida |
Fries, David |
RAPID Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Impact of sub-surface oil plumes on mesopelagic micronekton 1047693 |
University of South Florida |
Torres, Joseph |
RAPID: Emergency Field Investigation of Oil-Beach Interaction along the Alabama and Florida Beaches Following the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
1041868 |
University of South Florida |
Wang, Ping |
RAPID Deep water Horizon Oil spill: Trophic organization of sandy beach ecosystems across gradients of development and oiling 1043180 |
University of South Florida |
Bell, Susan |
RAPID: MRI: Acquisition of an oil extraction system and gas chromatograph with mass spectrometer for the extraction and analysis of DWH crude oil in Gulf sands.
1057417 |
Florida State University |
Huettel, Markus |
RAPID: Census activities and a workshop on baseline coastal data for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill 1050469 |
Florida State University |
Miller, Tom |
RAPID: Molecular Level Characterization and Archive for the 2010 BP Oil Spill 1049753 |
Florida State University |
McKenna, Amy |
RAPID: Rates and mechanisms controlling the microbial degradation of crude oil from the MC252 spill in Gulf of Mexico beach sands 1044939 |
Florida State University |
Huettel, Markus |
III: Gulf RAPID: Multi-temporal analysis and correlation of Gulf Oil Spill Related Geospatial Data on TerraFly Platform 1052625 |
Florida International University |
Rishe, Naphtali |
RAPID response to measuring the ecological effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the Florida Coastal Everglades 1048458 |
Florida International University |
Fourgurean, James |
RAPID: Formation, Persistence and Mobility of Oil Emulsions after Major Spills at Sea 1043467 |
Florida International University |
Tansel, Berrin |